Potholes and Pragmatism
You're never too old to learn from your own mistakes.
Far better to learn from the misatkes of others.
Here are my mistakes, and the lessons I learned.
If you want to jump over my potholes ....
...read "Lessons from Deep in the Potholes".

Tuesday, 27 September 2011


The engineer sends me a link to the next draft of the website. They seem to have resolved the template issues. It is starting to look like it should have looked about 10 days ago.

Today I proof-read the site. The developers can read English about as well as I can read Chinese.  So paragraphs have been broken half-way through a sentence. Spaces have appeared half-way through words. Alignment is woeful, emphasis is completely lost, leading capital letters have simply been omitted.  I have now built a 4-page table of amendments in MS Word, starting at the home page, and working through every page of the site, line by line, instructing them what changes are needed to make the website acceptable.

I send them the corrections. I also send them a lexicon of Chinese terms for the buttons, widgets and links. (They know the Chinese words, of course – but they won’t include anything unless I send it to them, as that would be outside the brief).

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