Potholes and Pragmatism
You're never too old to learn from your own mistakes.
Far better to learn from the misatkes of others.
Here are my mistakes, and the lessons I learned.
If you want to jump over my potholes ....
...read "Lessons from Deep in the Potholes".

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

D+11 - Alive - and almost kicking

Well the website was transferred onto my server last night, and it appears to be functioning correctly.
If you're quick, you'll be able to see it at www.bigredbookofoutsourcing.com

My trusted onshore developers are working on a revamp for me that should see a more polished version appear at this address within a few days. Meanwhile, at least, I'm operational.

I've sent out the word to my colleagues in various aligned professional associations, industry publications and events organisers, to let them know they can start promoting. By the time they get the word out, and people start to show an interest, this will all be behind me ... as will the trail of experience to which you have borne witness.

In front of me, however, is a world of new possibilities, far horizons and unexplored territory.  This time, I'm wearing stouter shoes, and taking a map and compass with me.  Once more unto the breach...

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